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Unlock Your Team's Capability

Our Approach

Human Centred Design

We strongly believe that the best solutions are those that are actively shaped around the people within an organisation. Similarly, simply designing an effective solution is only half of the equation. 

Whether you’re about to launch a new project, need advice on implementing something new in your organisation, or just need some advice - reach out and we can find a way forward.


Contact us today to set up a meeting and find out more about what I can do for you.

Team Meeting
Pen, notebook, and smartphone on the table

Taylor Hayward

Principal Consultant

Taylor holds a Bachelor of Arts in Employment Relations, Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, and a Master of Commerce specialising in Change Management and Corporate Communications.


Taylor's working history spans not-for-profit, private, small business, mining, trades and government sectors. Working in operational, strategic, and leadership roles, Taylor's approach prioritises the people within solutions, enabling organisations to truly realise their benefits. 

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